R : Coupes | Boisson énergisante aminée
- 4.2g Amino Acid Energy
- Sugar-Free and Only 10 Calories!
- Green Coffee Extract & L-Carnitine.
- Natural-Source Caffeine
- Lab-Tested
- Gluten-Free
A:Cuts Amino Acid Supplement could be the most delicious drink mix we’ve ever made. Perfect to enjoy anytime, easy-to-mix, full of Aminos and loaded with diet-friendly ingredients like natural-source Caffeine (127 mg). Taurine, L-Carnitine and Green Coffee extract – AminoCuts is ideal anytime you need an energy boost! A:Cuts Amino Acid drink mix is the ideal combination of ingredients designed to provide energy for training while maintaining muscle mass, all the while supporting a fat burning diet. Read more below on the benefits of amino acid supplements, suggested dose, and other commonly asked questions.
R : Le mélange pour boisson aux acides aminés Cuts est la combinaison idéale d'ingrédients conçus pour fournir de l'énergie pour l'entraînement tout en maintenant la masse musculaire, tout en soutenant un régime brûle les graisses.
Apprenez-en davantage ci-dessous sur les avantages des suppléments d’acides aminés, la dose suggérée et d’autres questions fréquemment posées.
- 4,2 g d'énergie d'acides aminés
- Sans sucre et seulement 10 calories !
- Extrait de café vert et L-Carnitine.
- Caféine de source naturelle
- Testé en laboratoire
- Sans gluten
ACUTS vous fournit de l'énergie à brûler ! Enrichi en caféine de source naturelle, en extrait de café vert et en L-carnitine, ACUTS dynamisera votre entraînement avec l'avantage supplémentaire d'une perte de graisse ciblée. Ce qui est encore mieux, c'est l'ajout de 2 000 mg de taurine, un acide aminé non essentiel et l'un des acides aminés les plus abondants du corps que l'on trouve dans le système nerveux central, les globules blancs, le cerveau et les muscles squelettiques.
La taurine aide au métabolisme des graisses et est également connue pour améliorer la sensibilité à l’insuline et améliorer votre humeur ! Cela peut aider à améliorer les performances physiques et la composition corporelle.
Enrichi de 500 mg de L-Carnitine
La L-Carnitine est essentielle au transport des graisses à longue chaîne dans la cellule (mitochondries). La L-Carnitine puise dans votre réserve de graisse et peut aider à la brûler comme carburant, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de l'énergie. Sans L-Carnitine, ces graisses ne peuvent pas être brûlées pour produire de l’énergie et sont plutôt détournées vers la graisse corporelle stockée.
La L-Carnitine améliore les performances en augmentant la dépendance du corps aux graisses pour produire de l'énergie ; cela réduit l’épuisement du glycogène musculaire. En réduisant l'accumulation d'acide lactique dans les tissus musculaires , les athlètes de performance utilisant la L-Carnitine peuvent prolonger la durée de l'effort musculaire avant la fatigue.
Un choix rapide et délicieux
En route pour faire du cardio ? Besoin d’un « remontant » en milieu d’après-midi ? ACUTS est conçu pour s'adapter à votre vie et à votre alimentation et est disponible en 9 saveurs alléchantes : Pina Colada, baie de Goji, limonade rose, orange arctique, framboise bleue, pastèque, évasion de raisin, barbe à papa et thé sucré.
Disponible en portions de 30, 36 (CA seulement) !
When is the best time to take ACUTS?
A:Cuts Amino Acid Energy Drink is perfect to take pre-workout or anytime throughout the day when you need an energy boost. This versatile diet drink is a delicious easy-to-mix additive to flavor plain water, and a great alternative in the morning to caffeinated beverages, which can dehydrate you and leave you feeling burned out later in the day.
Medicinal Ingredients
Ingrédients Medicinaux
Serving size / Portion: (1 scoop / cullière) 7 g
Servings Per Container / Portions par contenant: 36
Calories | 10 | |
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate | 500 mg | † |
Natural Caffeine / Caféine naturelle [(Coffea canephora, seed) 98% caffeine / caféine, 124.5mg] |
127 mg | † |
Green Coffee / Café Vert (Coffea canephora, seed / graine) extract / extrait [std. to / norme à 50% Chlorogenic acids / acides chlorogéniques; 2% caffeine / caféine] |
125 mg | † |
Taurine | 2000 mg | † |
ACUTS BCAAs / ACCR [9:6:5] | 725 mg | |
L-Leucine [45%] 326 mg | † | |
L-Valine [30%] 218 mg | † | |
L-Isoleucine [25%] 181 mg | † | |
L-Alanine | 500 mg | † |
L-Glycine | 345 mg | † |
L-Lysine HCI | 300 mg | † |
L-Glutamine | 250 mg | † |
L-Phenylalanine / phénylalanine | 50 mg | † |
L-Histidine (as / par L-Histidine HCI) | 50 mg | † |
L-Threonine / thréonine | 50 mg | † |
** Percent Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established.
When is the best time to take ACUTS?
A:Cuts Amino Acid Energy Drink is perfect to take pre-workout or anytime throughout the day when you need an energy boost. This versatile diet drink is a delicious easy-to-mix additive to flavor plain water, and a great alternative in the morning to caffeinated beverages, which can dehydrate you and leave you feeling burned out later in the day.
Can amino acids be used for energy?
A:Cuts provides you with energy to burn! Fortified with 127 mg Natural-Source Caffeine, Green Coffee extract and CLA. What’s even better is the addition of 2000 mg of Taurine, an amino acid which aids in the metabolization of fat, is also known to improve insulin sensitivity and boost your mood!
What are the benefits to taking A:Cuts before my workout?
A:Cuts is the perfect pre-workout companion for your next workout with the added benefit of focused fat loss.
Amino Acid Supplement Benefits
Will ACUTS give me a jittery feeling?
If you are sensitive to caffeine, we suggest assessing your tolerance by starting with 1/2 the suggested serving size.
What results can I expect to see from using ACUTS?
You should expect to experience an immediate increase in energy and mental alertness. With continued use and accompanied by a healthy diet and regular physical activity, A:Cuts will improve overall body composition. Supplementing with A:Cuts can assist in raising your resting metabolic rate and improving fat oxidation while preserving muscle.
Why use CLA in a pre-workout?
CLA is a remarkable dietary supplement derived from sources like safflower and sunflower oil, and found naturally in grass fed meats and dairy as well as the yolk of an egg. CLA works to reduce body fat by preventing fat accumulation in fat cells. Fat normally enters the fat cell through a door that is controlled by an enzyme that acts as the key. By acting on this enzyme, CLA keeps the door locked. When the door is locked, fat cannot enter the cells and they are prevented from increasing in size. The less fat present in the cells, the smaller and less mature they become. This helps to reduce the level of fat in your body. The increased breakdown of fat helps to fuel and preserve muscle mass, which in turn increases lean muscle mass.
What are the benefits of supplementing with Taurine?
As a non-essential amino acid, Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body that can be found in the central nervous system, white blood cells, the brain and skeletal muscles. It can help improve exercise performance and body composition. Taurine acts as a metabolic transmitter and is important for brain metabolism. It stabilizes the heartbeat as it is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which helps to improve focus during training.
Can I stack ACUTS with other ALLMAX products?
A:Cuts stacks well with L-Carnitine pre-workout, Carbion intraworkout and Isoflex post workout.